The cause of breastmilk is not only a little from the wrong breastfeeding technique, but also from the physical and psychological factors of the mother, the condition of the child, maternal nutrition, side effects of certain drugs, and also lifestyle factors that are not good. By knowing the cause, it is hoped that the problem of breastmilk production can be slightly overcome by handling the appropriate conditions of the mother and the child.
One of the main problems that a mother often experiences when breastfeeding or giving exclusive breast milk to her baby is that breastmilk production tends to be small, or the mother is worried that her breastmilk production is small. Before giving up and deciding to give formula milk, Mother needs to know the cause of a little breast milk and some steps that can be done to overcome it.
Factors for Breastfeeding as a Cause of Little Breast Milk
Mother needs to know that the release of breast milk is the best way to stimulate the mother's body to produce more milk. So, the more often breastfeeding the milk production is also more smooth and abundant. Here are some of the causes of a little breast milk that is common due to factors in how to breastfeed, including:Sticking baby's mouth
Baby's attachment to the breast of the mother is not perfect can cause your baby can not suckle properly. This makes the amount of milk that should be released less and automatically decreases the stimulation and stimulation of the body in producing milk. Usually, imperfect baby attachment problems are triggered by poor breastfeeding.
Frequency and time of breastfeeding
Little milk can also occur when infants are rarely breastfed or when Mother limits the time of breastfeeding for your child.
Addition of formula milk
Supplementation or formula feeding in turn with breastfeeding and the use of pacifiers in infants can also reduce milk production, due to reduced stimulation of breastfeeding. In addition, if the baby has difficulty in adapting between the nipple and the pacifier, it will be more difficult to properly attach.
Improve breastfeeding position
Try a variety of different breastfeeding positions to help attach the baby's mouth to your nipple perfectly. You can also ask for help from a midwife or lactation consultant doctor.
Breastfeed as often as possible
Feed your baby as often as he wants, especially when he is showing signs of hunger. Every baby's milk needs are different. Usually newborns need to suckle 8-12 times or more within 24 hours, or every 2-3 hours, to get enough milk. For babies over 2 months old, the frequency of breastfeeding can be reduced to every 3-4 hours. Every time breastfeeding arrives, Mother do not hesitate to wake the little one who was sleeping.
Nutrition is important for producing milk
Breast milk is the best food for babies. Babies can ask for it at any time and mothers should provide breast milk without any restrictions, including restrictions on breastfeeding time. In order for sufficient milk production, do not forget to meet your mother's nutritional intake by eating healthy foods that are nutritionally balanced, drinking enough water, and multiply the calorie intake of food consumed.
Pumping breast milk
If forced to give milk using a bottle of milk or pacifiers, be sure to pump breast milk Mother as often as possible to provide good stimulation for milk production.
Mother's Condition Factor as a Few Causes of Breast Milk
Mother's physical and psychological factors can also be the cause of a little breast milk. Psychological conditions in question are emotional factors, such as stress, fatigue, and excessive anxiety. To overcome this, Mother needs to take steps that can relieve stress and excessive anxiety. While the physical factors in question are certain conditions in the mother that can interfere with the production of breast milk, including:- Weight problems, whether obese or just the opposite, are too thin.
- Get pregnant again.
- A history of difficult childbirth or complications, and prolonged postpartum recovery, for example in postpartum hemorrhage.
- A history of breast surgery or medical procedures on the breast that cause incisions around the nipples and areola, which can damage the ducts that produce milk.
- The condition of the placenta that is still left in the uterus or also called placental retention.
- Mother has a condition called breast hypoplasia, which is a condition in which breast tissue does not develop as it should, and does not have adequate breast milk tissue, so that the breast consists only of fatty tissue.
- Menstruation after giving birth, usually after 6 weeks postpartum for nursing mothers. Whereas for mothers who do not breastfeed usually menstruation comes 3 months after giving birth.
- Certain diseases, such as infections, thyroid disorders, breast cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and gestational diabetes.
- Bad lifestyle, like smoking and consuming alcoholic drinks.
- Side effects of certain drugs, such as allergic medicines and flu containing pseudoephedrine. The use of hormonal contraceptives in the form of birth control pills and birth control injections while the mother is still breastfeeding, can also reduce milk production.
Factors in Infants' Conditions as a Cause of Little Breast Milk
The cause of a little breast milk can also be triggered by the condition of the Little One, namely the existence of physical abnormalities in babies, especially abnormalities in the baby's tongue and mouth, such as tounge tie and cleft lip. Babies who sleep too long or babies who are not breastfed all night can also cause the frequency of breastfeeding to decrease, so that it can automatically be a cause of reduced milk supply. This can be overcome by waking and nursing the baby according to the time of breastfeeding. Babies who cry and fuss when breastfeeding can also make nursing activities disrupted. Mother needs to pay attention to the cause of Little crying and fussing. It could be that your little fussy and do not want to suckle because you are teething or tired.Don't Give Up, Do This to Overcome the Causes of Little Breast Milk
Of the many possible causes of breast milk, the problems caused by breastfeeding can generally be overcome by applying proper breastfeeding techniques, and increasing the frequency of stimulation of the breast by breastfeeding or pumping the breast as often as possible. While the cause of decreased milk production which is a medical condition, requires medical examination and treatment from a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination to detect the clinical conditions that are the cause, as well as provide treatments that are appropriate to the condition of the mother and the baby's condition. In addition, there are many other steps you can take to increase your milk supply to meet your baby's needs:- Keep breastfeeding your baby as often as possible.
- Pumping breast milk either after or while breastfeeding the baby.
- Consult your doctor or lactation consultant about drugs or supplements that can increase milk production.
- Apply a healthy lifestyle with adequate rest, avoid stress, do not smoke and do not consume alcoholic beverages.
- Before giving formula milk to babies, make sure you consult a lactation consultant first. Receiving breastfeeding donors can also be an option to meet the needs of Breast Milk for your child.
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